IV Ozone

Ozone therapy is a powerful, simple and natural therapy that enhances natural life forces within us rather than fight them.

Healthy, human cells love oxygen while disease causing viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites – including cancer cells, arthritis microbes and the colds and flu viruses are anaerobes.  This means these microbes and cancer cells cannot live in high oxygen concentrations. Medical ozone floods the body with Nature's single oxygen atoms. Singlet oxygen and its by-products are very energetic oxidizers - they ‘burn up' waste products, pollution, microbes and weak (cancerous) cells. Normal heathy cells make a self-protective antioxidant coating but bacteria, viruses, fungi and other pathogens and diseased body cells have no antioxidant shield and no way to protect themselves from being burnt up by oxygen.  Oxygen selectively attacks only diseased cells because of their missing antioxidant shield.

So, what would happen to these anaerobic viruses and bacteria if they were to be completely surrounded by a very energetic form of pure oxygen for a period of time?

Saturate the body with Ozone

What if enough of this special form of oxygen(ozone)was to be slowly and harmlessly introduced into the body regularly, over the course of a few months, to eventually saturate all the bodily fluids and every cell, including those of the brain and spine? Wouldn't the disease-causing microbes and cells that can't live in oxygen cease to exist? Yes!!! and that is why ozone is such a powerful, simple and natural therapy. "Natural" means high efficiency and no side effects because it enhances the natural life forces within us rather than fighting them.

Remember - experience matters

Although, in America ozone therapy is only taught privately, or in naturopathic schools, so your family doctor is probably untrained in its use. Therefore he/she probably will have no idea (or an incorrect idea) if asked about ozone therapy. So, if you are seeking opinions, always ask your medical professional what actual experience he/she has with ozone therapies – There are no legitimate studies proving ozone doesn't work.

How Does Ozone Work?


Kills bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeasts and protozoa

Ozone has been shown to destroy the outer shell of most micro-organisms, thereby penetrating the cell membrane and altering the DNA. This is another mechanism by which ozone selectively targets disease causing micro-organisms, and spares healthy cells.

Repeated treatments of ozone therapy are usually needed, because certain viruses and fungi are more susceptible at certain stages of their development. Some micro-organisms are much more resistant than others, and will require more treatment. The viruses that contain lipids are more sensitive to deactivation by ozone – Herpes, Mumps, Measles, Influenza, Rabies, HIV and the Chronic Fatigue producing viruses: Epstein Barr, Coxsackie and Cytomegalovirus.

Stimulates oxygen metabolism

Ozone causes increased metabolism inside the red blood cells [increased 2,3-DPG], which releases more oxygen to the tissues. Ozone also stimulates the production of enzymes, which act as cell wall protectors and scavengers of free radicals.


Formation of Peroxides

When ozone is introduced into the body, it is broken down into free radical agents called peroxides. These have beneficial effects because they are attracted to weakened or diseased cells and react with lipids [fats] in the cell membrane. The enzymes in the healthy, intact cell wall prevent penetration by these peroxides. Thus the peroxides in ozone selectively attack only those cells which contain parasites, viruses etc, or are weakened by cancer or toxins.

Enhancement of circulation

In circulatory disease, a clumping of red blood cells hinders blood flow through the small capillaries and decreases oxygen uptake by the red blood cells due to reduced surface area. Ozone reduces or eliminates clumping, and restores flexibility thereby increasing oxygen carrying capacity. Improved viscosity of the blood also leads to better oxygenation of the tissues.

Ozone oxidises the plaque in arteries, which unclogs and frees up the circulation.


Dissolution of tumors

Ozone inhibits cancer cell metabolism. In addition, ozone oxidises the outer lipid layer of cancer cells, thus destroying them.

Activation of the immune system

Optimal administration of medical ozone causes an increase in the production of interferon and interleukins, which launch an entire cascade of immunological reactions.


Effect on medicines

The potency of any medicine taken concurrently with ozone treatment is greatly increased. The unpleasant side effects of toxic, but necessary, medications such as chemotherapy can be greatly minimized by ozone therapy.

What can ozone therapy be used for?

Boosting the immune system - especially for frequent travelers
Supporting therapy for cardiovascular disease
Viral illnesses such as hepatitis B and C, shingles, cold sores and flu
Rheumatic illnesses
Improving circulation problems
Joint stiffness
Manage chronic fatigue syndrome and stress
An alternative to the flu shot
Treatment of wounds, acne, psoriasis
Supportive therapy for those with cancer - ozone kills cancer cells
Fighting against and preventing infections - best done before a long flight
Oxidizes toxins, allowing their excretion
Helping to cleanse the liver
Purifies blood and lymph
Supports diabetes therapies
Improves brain function and memory
Anti-aging; delays aging processes
Stimulate the production of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase, two powerful enzymes that protect us from free radical damage and oxidative stress
Ivanchenko SA. [ozone hemotherapy and the basal metabolic pathways of body adaptation in gestoses]. Lik Sprava 1998(4): 149-50.
Viebahn-Hänsler R, Fernández OSL, Fahmy Z. Ozone in medicine: The low- dose ozone concept. Guidelines and treatment strategies. Ozone Science & Engineering 2012; 34(6): 408-424.
Bocci V, Borrelli E, Travagli V, Zanardi I. The ozone paradox: Ozone is a strong oxidant as well as a medical drug. Med Res Rev 2009; 29(4): 646-82.
Bocci V, Valacchi G, Rossi R, Giustarini D, Paccagnini E, Pucci AM, Di Simplicio P. Studies on the biological effects of ozone: 9. Effects of ozone on human platelets. Platelets 1999; 10(2-3): 110-6.
Renate VH, Sonia LFO, Fahmy Z. Ozone in medicine: Clinical evaluation and evidence classification of the systemic ozone applications, major autohemotherapy and rectal insufflation, according to the requirements for evidence-based medicine. Ozone: Science & Engineering 2016: 25.