Personalized Wellness

The greatest medicine of all is to teach people how not to need it

Rather than focus on your disease, we focus on you and how to get you healthy.  By identifying critical imbalances and risk factors we help you develop a strategic wellness plan that corrects these imbalances and promotes healthy cellular function.  Our focus is always on optimizing your body’s self healing systems in order to achieve optimal health with simple natural interventions.

If you are looking to overcome a health problem or just want to practice prevention and slow down the aging process … then GLOW Wellness can help.

Our  wellness plans are designed to clear out cellular waste and toxins, reboot your receptors, repair and rebuild healthy cells and bring your body a new sense of vitality for maximum good looks and energy. 

Call us today: 216-450-1016
We'll help you look and feel your very best.
Feed your body with nutrients, the raw materials your body needs to function properly
Feed your mind with good thoughts and knowledge
Feed your soul with music, loved ones, laughter, forgiveness and gratitude

MD Health Review

Dr. James Silverblatt uses the latest evidence in medical research in conjunction with his 30 plus years of clinical experience to look “upstream” into the complex web of your body’s function to uncover imbalances that lead to symptoms and disease. These consultations are an hour in length.

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Explore Our Personalized Wellness Services

Our Personalized Wellness Services

MD Health Review

Dr. James Silverblatt uses the latest evidence in medical research in conjunction with his 30 plus years of clinical experience to look “upstream” into the complex web of your body’s function to uncover imbalances that lead to symptoms and disease. These consultations are an hour in length.

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Specialized Testing and Custom Nutrient Infusions

When it comes to your health, don’t guess, test!  At Glow Wellness our specialized tests are used for prevention, performance optimization and reducing internal inflammation.  We recommend doing targeted, specialized lab testing to help us gain a better understanding of the underlying causes of your symptoms and to guide us in our decision-making for the best wellness plan for you.

Our micronutrient test measures 52 nutrients ( vitamins, minerals and amino acids) and tells us what nutrient deficiencies you have at a cellular level ( inside the cells).  In addition our testing looks at what antioxidants are most protective for your cells.  With this information we develop a nutritional wellness plan that address not only your deficiencies but also ensure you are getting adequate levels of the protective antioxidants that were identifies for your cells. Our wellness plans help replenish and protect your cells for optimal functioning.

Our test for food and chemical sensitivities detects the immune response to foods, additives, and mold. A sustained immune response for certain foods, additives or mold leads to chronic inflammation, which ultimately negatively affects energy systems and performance of all body cells. A chronically activated immune system is the underlying cause of many chronic diseases. When we identify and eliminate the specific dietary immune triggers we can then begin to support and restore bioenergetic balance and optimize functioning of the immune system and body cells.  Studies show when people eliminate inflammatory foods and chemicals identified by the Alcat test - they show a positive impact on BMI, body composition, wellbeing and less inflammation.

Our wellness plans include personalized diet modifications and menus, customized infusion and individualized supplements.  We guide and support you every step of the way, fostering a wellness partnership

Our tests include:

  • Uncovering nutritional deficiencies
  • Bacterial and yeast overgrowth
  • Mitochondrial dysfunction
  • Leaky gut
  • Screening for environmental pollutants like pesticides, phthalates, benzene, xylene, insecticides and more toxins
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